
What Happens If You Haven’t Seen a Dentist in Several Years?

With today’s hectic lifestyles, it can be challenging to take care of all of your countless priorities on any given day. Finding the time to squeeze in a regular dental checkup can be easily overlooked and forgotten. Time keeps passing by until one day you realize you haven’t seen a dentist in several years. Going a couple months past your regular checkup time won’t ruin your smile, but neglecting regular cleanings and dental treatment can cause negative effects on your oral health.

Preventative Care & Early Detection

Never assume that your teeth are fine if you have no toothaches and maintain a meticulous dental hygiene routine at home. There are dental problems that can developing without presenting any noticeable symptoms. Cavities can often form without experiencing any pain and it is important to detect them early to keep the extent of damage to a minimum. Gum disease can also develop without any symptoms. Periodontal disease is the leading cause of tooth loss and should be treated as early as possible. Most dental complications can be treated without any major complications. This is why it is so important to stay on top of your regular checkups and cleanings combined with proper dental hygiene routine at home.

Making Your Appointment

Preventative care is the best care. Taking care of your teeth will help protect against dental complications so make sure you brush and floss twice a day and stay on top of checkups and professional dental cleanings. South Tampa Smiles is a gentle dental practice. You can rest assured that if you haven’t seen a dentist in several years, we can help you get back on the path to excellent oral health again. Remember, the fate of your dental health rests in your own hands. Contact us today at (813) 289 – 0560 and get back on track!


Know What Type of Smile You Want

Before cosmetic dental treatment, it is important to know what type of smile you want to have. Prior to any discussion and preparations to begin your smile transformation, you need to have a good idea of what exactly you are wanting to improve and to what level of change you have in mind. Communication with your dentist is a vital step toward achieving successful results. Spend time clearly identifying exactly what improvements to your smile you want to accomplish.

Subtle Changes or Complete Makeover

Some people have always dreamed of having the “perfect” smile. This type of smile has the maximum level of brightness and regularity of shape, size and alignment of the teeth. Then, there are many patients that are happy with a “natural” look. They are more comfortable making subtle changes that create a new and improved smile. Knowing which side you fall is important before any treatment begins. This will ensure the outcome will be a smile that is beautiful and, most importantly, you feel proud and comfortable showing.

Getting Started

To get started on your new smile you will first need to have a comprehensive examination. There needs to be a complete assessment of the health of your teeth and gums. It may be necessary to do any restorative work prior to any cosmetic treatment. Then we can make the determination of what is and isn’t possible to enhance or completely change the appearance of your smile. In the end, we want for you what you want… a bright and beautiful smile you will feel confident and happy to show the world.

If you are ready to make the next step towards the smile you’ve always wanted, contact South Tampa Smiles at (813) 289 – 0560. You should also return to your dentist for regular professional maintenance every six months. Give us a call if it is time for your dental checkup and cleaning.

Look through our Smile Gallery to see our patients amazing results!


Looking for sedation dentistry in South Tampa? South Tampa Smiles offers sedation dentistry for our patients that may have fears of dental treatment. We understand the idea of being in the dental chair can bring out anxiety in many patients. The thought of a needle going in your mouth, the sound of the drill, and the many tools laying out on the dental tray can bring out fear for many patients.

Most people are familiar with nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, as a form of dental sedation to relieve you from all of your worries. A small mask is placed over your nose to breath in the gas that calms any anxieties during the procedure. Once the patient becomes relaxed and comfortable, we use a topical anesthetic to numb the area before the injection. This is another step to alleviate the possibility of any discomfort. The dentist is then able to focus on the procedure at hand knowing the patient is relaxed and comfortable during the entire visit.

The benefits of sedation dentistry include:
  • It is a safe and pain-free way to alleviate anxiety and help patients overcome fear of dental procedures.
  • Although the patient is relaxed and restful, they are still able to follow instructions and answer questions when needed.
  • The dentist is often able to correct multiple issues at once or complete a more complicated dental procedure.
  • The procedure will go more smoothly and quickly, since the patient will not be nervous and are more likely to coordinate with the dentist throughout the procedure.

Many of our patients have already had pleasant dental treatments utilizing sedation dentistry in South Tampa and so can you! Give us a call at (813) 289 – 0560. Take comfort in knowing your fears will be calmed. Our Staff is understanding and helpful. We will guide you through the entire process and answer any questions or concerns you may have about your dental treatment.

Further Reading:

Fear of Dental Injections?

Five Tips to Overcome Dental Anxiety


August is National Eye Exam Month

It’s the perfect time to schedule your next eye exam in observance of National Eye Exam Month. Regular eye exams are important to make sure that your eyes are in good condition, determine eyeglass prescription and check for common eye diseases. Often, your eye doctor is the first healthcare professional to detect chronic, systemic diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

Did you know that the health of your teeth and gums can affect your vision?

Certain dental conditions can have a negative impact on your eyes. Tooth infection and gum diseases can often lead to eye sight deterioration. Your eyes are very near to your teeth. The nerves of the eyes may become inflamed due to an infected tooth or periodontitis. Optical neuritis is the inflammation of the optic nerve. It can lead to eye pain and blurred vision. If left untreated, bacterial infections can destroy the healthy nerve tissue in the eyes and brain. The microbes are toxic and spread to the brain through the lymphatic system and be potentially fatal.

The importance of routine eye exams, in addition to regular doctor visits and dental checkups, is quite evident in maintaining optimum overall health. Neglecting one or the other can sometimes lead to missed early warning signs of developing systemic disease. Early detection plays a vital role in detecting chronic disease or other health problems in the earliest stages, which lessens the risk of illness progression.

Celebrate National Eye Exam Month this August and call your vision care specialists to set up your appointment. Also, make sure you are up-to-date on your dental exam, x-rays, and cleaning. Contact South Tampa Smiles at (813)  289 – 0560. Our friendly office staff will answer any questions you may have and assist you in making your next appointment.


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