
Rejuvenate Your Smile This Fall

September 22 marks the first day of Autumn, a time of year that brings new beginnings. Many people return to classes after enjoying summertime months off. Fall is also a time of year many couples get married with nature’s picturesque, fall foliage as their ceremonial backdrop. No matter what events you may have on your calendar this fall, South Tampa Smiles wants you to look and feel your very best. This is the perfect time of year to rejuvenate your smile!

Your smile is one of the first things people notice. If your teeth have become dull and stained over the years, teeth-whitening treatment can put the sparkle back into your smile. We know how disappointing it can be to no longer have that pearly white smile you once had. Teeth whitening is a simple and non-invasive treatment that provides a significant and noticeable improvement to your smile.

Rejuvenate Your Smile and Your Relationships

A bright and confident smile can affect many aspects of your life. Your work-related relationships can be negatively impacted through your insecurities if you are overly self-conscious about your smile. Dealing with customers or clients can also become more problematic. Career advancement can become more out-of-reach if your self-confidence issues show through during job interviews and meetings. Your personal relationships can also suffer if you are holding back from social situations and the fall season is often packed with parties and events. Teeth whitening can be an effective solution to boost your confidence during these social situations.

Walking down the aisle, starting a new semester of school or attending a special fall event with the utmost confidence has never been easier. Contact South Tampa Smiles at (813) 879 – 0560 to rejuvenate your smile this fall season. We are ready to help you bring back the radiant smile you deserve!

Further Reading on Teeth Whitening


Crowded Teeth – Problems and Fixes

Not everyone is lucky enough to have been born with straight, perfectly spaced teeth. Most people with the perfect smile have had cosmetic and/or orthodontic treatment at some point in their lives. A beautiful smile is the most common reason most people seek treatment for crowded teeth, but crowded teeth can negatively affect your dental and overall health as well.

First of all, properly cleaning crowded teeth can be quite difficult. Reaching all the areas of the tooth surfaces can be problematic and bacteria can begin to accumulate in those hard-to-reach areas. This allows bacteria continue to colonize and break down the enamel on the teeth resulting in decay. Crowding can sometimes hinder the discovery of dental decay because it may be difficult to see and even be masked on dental x-rays. Decay may not become evident until it has turned into a bigger problem, thus requiring more extensive dental treatment.

Along with the negative impact crowding causes on your teeth, it also affects the health of your gums. Your gums protect the underlying hard tissues of your mouth: bones and teeth. If  bacteria are not properly cleaned away from your gums regularly, your gum tissue can wear leading to recession. Recession occurs when the gums pull away from the teeth. This can ultimately lead to bone and tooth loss if left untreated.

Treatment for Crowded Teeth

South Tampa Smiles offers various forms of treatment for crowded teeth in Tampa, FL and surrounding communities. When teeth are rotated, it is usually because there is not enough room for them. Moving the teeth through orthodontic treatment remains to be the most common solution. Braces are used to expand the space and allow for more room between the teeth. Many advancements have been made including 6 month braces to make orthodontic treatment a more pleasant experience. There are many cosmetic methods of achieving a straighter look such as bonding, crowns and veneers. The form of treatment weighs heavily on severity of crowding & positioning and personal expectations of the patient. Give us a call to schedule a consultation and find out what type of treatment is best for you! (813) – 879 – 0560.

Further Reading:

Straight Teeth Are Healthy Teeth

Get a Celebrity Smile from Your South Tampa Dentist


Health Line

Six Month Smiles


National Stand Up to Cancer Day

This Friday Sept. 9th is National Stand Up to Cancer Day. At South Tampa Smiles, we strongly promote meaningful dates that serve a purpose and have a positive impact our patients and community. We stress the value in spreading news and events concerning health, environment, and community issues. With 1600 people dying every day from cancer in the United States, this illness is sure to affect most people at some time in their lives. For this reason we would like to give this day the special attention and promotion it deserves.

Stand Up To Cancer, SU2C, was established in 2008 and has brought together more than 1,200 research scientists from leading institutions across the world. Their collaborative approach to cancer research is targeted towards ending cancer’s reign as a leading cause of death. Friday, Sept 9 at 8|7c, there will be a live commercial-free fundraising telecast including Hollywood favorites. Join in on this hour-long telecast to benefit groundbreaking cancer research. Visit their website at Su2Cshow.org for more information and make a donation to this important cause.

“SU2C’s mission, to ensure that all cancer patients become cancer survivors, is one that is very close to my heart.”

—Bradley Cooper, who lost his father, Charles Cooper, to lung cancer in 2011

We often share important oral and overall health to keep our patients, followers and community informed. Visit our blog to get caught up on various topics we’ve covered as well as keep up with our latest posts. To help spread awareness of National Stand Up to Cancer Day use #STANDUPTOCANCERDAY and #REASONS2STANDUP on social media. Contact South Tampa Smiles to make your next dental appointment and stay on top of your oral health at (813) 289 – 0560. We look forward to hearing from you.

Be sure to read our previous cancer related articles:

Oral Cancer Risks & Detection

Protect Your Lips From the Sun


National Preparedness Month – September

September is National Preparedness Month.  Just as a tropical storm makes landfall on Florida’s east coast, we begin a new month that has been titled National Preparedness Month.

This a great time to get your home and family ready for any type of emergency that may come to your community.To stay safe during occurrences such as a natural disaster, is it wise to take necessary precautions to keep you and your family safe. There is a wide range of disasters from tornados to terror events that can have a huge impact if you do not plan ahead. These events  can cause power outages, disruptions in cell phone service, and loss of water supply for some period of time.

#NatlPrep Campaign

Starting September,1 Ready.gov will be continuing their “Don’t Wait, Communicate. Make Your Emergency Plan Today” campaign due to it’s huge success last year. There will be tips and information provided to help families to take steps to plan for any type of emergency situation. Follow #NatlPrep for tips and information and to share your experiences and ideas. The goal is to help America take action to be fully prepared for when these emergency situations strike your community.


Less than half of all Americans have an emergency preparation plan for their household according to FEMA. Great strides have been made through efforts of promoting National Preparedness Month, but continued efforts will only make those numbers grow. FEMA is a great source of information and recommendations to get every family the knowledge and plan of action in the event of a disaster.

FEMA offers recommendations include:

Every home should contain a supply kit that includes a surplus of nonperishable food items, as well as fresh bottled water. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recommends one gallon per person in your household per day for three days.

FEMA also recommends that the kit include prescription medications for everyone in the family, personal hygiene items, a flashlight, extra batteries and matches, amongst other items. For a complete list, visit fema.gov.

Each week throughout the month is further subdivided to focus on a particular theme.
National Preparedness Month Weekly Themes:
    • Week 1 – Sept 1–5  Flood
    • Week 2 – Sept 6–12 Wildfire
    • Week 3 – Sept 13–19  Hurricane
    • Week 4 – Sept 20–26  Power Outage
    • Week 5 – Sept 27–30 Lead up to National PrepareAthon! Day, September 30

The South Tampa Smiles Team would like to help promote this important month to our patients and community. Take the time to share with your friends and family and BE PREPARED!

South Tampa Smiles
Tampa, FL

(813) 289 – 0560

Follow #NatlPrep for tips and more information.

Red Cross Resources:

Making A Plan

Mobile Apps

Emergency Preparedness Kit


What Happens If You Haven’t Seen a Dentist in Several Years?

With today’s hectic lifestyles, it can be challenging to take care of all of your countless priorities on any given day. Finding the time to squeeze in a regular dental checkup can be easily overlooked and forgotten. Time keeps passing by until one day you realize you haven’t seen a dentist in several years. Going a couple months past your regular checkup time won’t ruin your smile, but neglecting regular cleanings and dental treatment can cause negative effects on your oral health.

Preventative Care & Early Detection

Never assume that your teeth are fine if you have no toothaches and maintain a meticulous dental hygiene routine at home. There are dental problems that can developing without presenting any noticeable symptoms. Cavities can often form without experiencing any pain and it is important to detect them early to keep the extent of damage to a minimum. Gum disease can also develop without any symptoms. Periodontal disease is the leading cause of tooth loss and should be treated as early as possible. Most dental complications can be treated without any major complications. This is why it is so important to stay on top of your regular checkups and cleanings combined with proper dental hygiene routine at home.

Making Your Appointment

Preventative care is the best care. Taking care of your teeth will help protect against dental complications so make sure you brush and floss twice a day and stay on top of checkups and professional dental cleanings. South Tampa Smiles is a gentle dental practice. You can rest assured that if you haven’t seen a dentist in several years, we can help you get back on the path to excellent oral health again. Remember, the fate of your dental health rests in your own hands. Contact us today at (813) 289 – 0560 and get back on track!


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