
Most of us encounter stressful periods at some point in our lives. We are all aware that stress can have negative effects on our emotional health, but stress can also have significant negative effects on our oral health.

We know that stress can be a major contributing factor to the following conditions:


Bruxism is the grinding and clenching of your teeth that often occurs while you sleep. Daily stresses can bring on the pattern of Bruxism and can cause your teeth to become worn, cracked, and loose.

Periodontal Disease

Long-term stress can cause the immune system to weaken. This increases the risk of having the gums infected by plaque and developing Periodontal Disease, also known as gum disease.

Canker Sores

Although these shallow lesions have an unknown cause, research suggests several factors including the likelihood of being stress induced. Canker sores are generally harmless, but they can be quite painful.


Stress contributes to temporomandibular joint disorders, known as TMJ or TMD. Stress and Bruxism are common causes of TMJ disorder. The trauma from grinding the teeth as well as anxiety and depression are common triggers.

Dry Mouth

Xerostomia, more commonly known as Dry Mouth, occurs when the mouth doesn’t produce enough saliva. Dry Mouth can result from conditions caused by stress or the medications used to treat anxiety and depression.

Burning Mouth Syndrome

Burning Mouth Syndrome by definition is a burning sensation on the tongue, lips gums or palate. Though the direct cause is unknown, stress is one of the triggers for burning mouth syndrome.

Lichen Planus

Lichen Planus of the mouth produces white, lacy patches or lines in the mouth. It is believed to be a reaction to viral infections triggered from stress.

All of these symptoms show the indirect ways stress can influence your oral health. Stay vigilant on your daily oral hygiene routine during periods of high stress. If you are concerned that stress is affecting your teeth and gums, contact SouthTampaSmiles at (813)289–0560.






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Ever wonder if your toothbrush has microscopic germs that you can’t see? It’s not something we like to think about as we place the head of the brush inside our mouth daily, but the answer is YES! Germs can be living within the bristles on your toothbrush.

With the oral cavity housing hundreds of different types of microorganisms, there is a good chance of some of those germs to be transferred to your toothbrush. Brand new toothbrushes may also have bacteria on them when you take them out of the package. There is no requirement for toothbrushes to be sold in sterile packages.

Germs from your mouth are not the only contributors to those germs living on your toothbrush. If you store your toothbrush on the bathroom counter unprotected and in the open, simply flushing the toilet can introduce germs into the air. They can propel onto your toothbrush making toilet flushes the worst culprit to imagine contaminating your toothbrush.

This is an unpleasant truth, but there are a few steps you can take to help keep your mind at ease before, during and after brushing your teeth daily:

  • Rinse your toothbrush thoroughly with hot water before and after brushing your teeth.
  • Store your toothbrush in an upright position if possible allowing ventilation. Do not store toothbrushes in airtight containers.
  • Keep toothbrushes separated to avoid cross-contamination.
  • Never share your toothbrush. Exchange of body fluids equals exchange of harmful bacteria.
  • Throw away your toothbrush after you’ve been sick.
  • Replace toothbrushes every 3-4 months when it starts to show signs of wear.

These practices combined with visiting your dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings will help to ensure that you have a lifelong healthy smile.

Contact South Tampa Smiles at (813) 289 – 0560.

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Smile More

Cosmetic dentistry boosts confidence and gives you the self-assurance to smile more! Cover your mouth when laughing or speaking in public? If your smile is holding you back, or non-existent, there are dental enhancement procedures that can make you love your smile. When you are not afraid to let your teeth show, you are much more at ease. You are less likely to hold back because of insecurities with your teeth.

Professional Success

People who are unsatisfied with their teeth miss out on countless opportunities in their life from being overly self-conscious. Restraining from the impulse to smile and speak freely without inhibitions can be detrimental to any career advancement. This can leave you feeling “stuck” in life and further bring down your level of self-confidence. A radiant smile boosts confidence to succeed in whatever your career choice.

More Fulfilling Personal Life

Cosmetic dentistry boosts confidence, which has a direct impact on your overall happiness. A person that is insecure about their teeth can find it more difficult in the dating game or engaging in other social situations without feeling insecure. This can leave you feeling unsatisfied in your personal life. Consider cosmetic dentistry if you are unhappy with your smile. People that love their smile enjoy life to the fullest.

Overall Wellness

Improving your physical appearance is important, but the biggest impact of a beautiful smile is your overall wellness. A radiant smile could fill that missing element holding you back. Cosmetic dentistry can positively change your self-image and live the most fulfilling life possible.

Dr. John Cannariato, DMD of South Tampa Smiles specializes in Cosmetic Dentistry. Contact us today at (813) 289-0560 for further questions or start the process of getting a healthy, radiant smile you deserve.








More Effective Than Brushing Alone

Flossing your teeth helps clean the areas of the teeth that a toothbrush cannot access. Regular flossing helps break up the bacterial plaque and keep the bacteria from colonizing. If plaque is left to organize, it can create a pathogen-rich environment in your mouth leaving you at risk for developing dental and gum related diseases or even systemic illnesses.

Prevents Buildup of Plaque

Plaque is the sticky soft film that can harden into Tartar buildup if left undisturbed for a period of time. Once this film hardens into tartar, it must be removed in the dental office. Preventing plaque from hardening into tartar can be achieved more effectively with proper brushing along with flossing the surfaces between the teeth and along the gum line.

Fresher Breath

Battling with offensive smells coming from your mouth? The bacteria in plaque and food particles left in between the teeth can cause bad breath. Flossing the areas your toothbrush cannot reach helps getting rid of this smelly plaque.

Healthier Gums 

Flossing is important for the removal of the bacterial film along the gum line. Without regular bushing and flossing, you are at risk of developing infection, and possibly disease of the structures that support your teeth in your mouth. Gum infections known as gingivitis can lead to gum disease, or periodontitis, which can eventually cause tooth loss.

Prevents Serious Diseases

If bacteria is left to flourish in your mouth, it can have harmful effects on your overall health. Research has shown that bacteria in the mouth can lead to respiratory illnesses, diabetes and heart disease. Improving your oral health plays a major role in your overall health.

Brighter Smile

To keep your teeth white and shiny, incorporate flossing into your daily routine. Flossing helps remove stains from the teeth caused by the food and drinks we consume. It helps remove food particles and prevent unsightly staining resulting in a healthier and brighter smile.


Regular dental cleanings are an important part in maintaining optimum oral and overall health. Contact South Tampa Smiles today at (813) 289 – 0560 to schedule your checkup and cleaning.






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