There are easy to do self-check tests for a variety of other cancers but there is nothing similar for mouth, head or neck cancer.

Mouth Cancer Foundation

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Most people will experience some sort of toothache pain at some point in their lives. Toothaches can range from mild pain that subsides quickly to more severe pain that lasts longer than just a few seconds. The most common cause of dental pain is dental decay, but certain symptoms can aid in pinpointing the exact cause of your toothache pain for proper diagnosis and treatment.


Pain While Eating

 A toothache that arises from decay or a cracked tooth may cause pain or discomfort only while eating. It is important to have it checked and taken care of as soon as possible so the condition doesn’t worsen causing more discomfort and more extensive dental treatment.

Sharp, Shooting Toothache

This type of toothache pain typically comes from a cracked tooth, a cavity or an abscess. They usually occur in response to cold, hot or sweet foods and beverages. Another cause for this type of pain could be receding gums or loss of enamel due to age or brushing too hard.

Dull, Lingering Toothache

Tooth decay, trauma and nerve damage can all be the cause of chronic tooth pain. Grinding your teeth over long periods of time can also cause nerve damage over a long period of time.

Severe Throbbing Pain

Severe, throbbing toothaches are typically signs of infection or abscess and generally do not go away. If you are experiencing severe pain and swelling, see a dentist right away.

Jaw Pain

Jaw pain can arise from TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) disorders, wisdom teeth impaction, and grinding your teeth. Jaw pain can also be felt in the face, cheekbones, eyes and ears.

It is important to have any type of dental pain checked for proper diagnosis as some forms of pain mimic that of toothache or jaw pain. These non-dental related illnesses can range from sinusitis and ear infections to heart disease.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, contact South Tampa Smiles at (813) 289 – 0560 promptly. We are here to help.








At South Tampa Smiles, we try to educate our patients about all aspects involving dental care so they are knowledgeable about their oral health and live healthy lives. We take dental education seriously, although there are some facts about teeth that we would like to share for the purpose of entertainment as well as enlightenment.

We have compiled a few fun facts about teeth that we thought you would enjoy learning about.

Our Top Picks of 10 Fun Facts About Teeth:
  1. The average person produces a quart of saliva per day. That’s 10,000 gallons in a lifetime.
  2. The plaque found on teeth hosts more than 300 different types of bacteria.
  3. Tooth enamel is the hardest part of the body, even our bones.
  4. Humans have two sets of teeth in their lifetime. Baby teeth and permanent teeth.
  5. Teeth are formed in the womb, but they come through at 6 to 12 months old.
  6. Humans have 4 different types of teeth: incisors to cut, canines to tear, and premolars and molars to grind.
  7. If you floss once a day, you will use about 5 miles of floss over your lifetime.
  8. If you brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes each time, you will brush your teeth for about 24 hours each year.
  9. Each individual tooth and tongue is unique has it’s own “finger print”.
  10. One third of your teeth are under your gums. Only two thirds of your teeth are exposed.

Stay connected with South Tampa Smiles for more dental care information on Facebook and Twitter. Visit our website or call us at (813) 289-0560.









South Tampa Smiles’ dedicated and professional team offers the highest quality care with the latest dental technologies in South Tampa dentistry. We go above and beyond educational requirements, training, and standard dental technology to give our patients the best dental treatment possible. We continue taking courses on the latest techniques and technologies so that our patients get the most up-to-date treatment available in dentistry.
Educational Background

Dr. John Cannariato grew up in New York and left in 1992 to attend Florida State University. In 1996, Dr. Cannariato began classes at the University of Florida College of Dentistry, from which he later received his dental degree. He is also a graduate of the Esthetic Epitome at the prestigious Nash Institute for Esthetic Dentistry.

Dr. Cannariato places a strong personal emphasis on continuing education, also called post-graduate education, to ensure that he is up on the latest cosmetic dentistry techniques. He consistently exceeds the required amount of continuing education courses per year resulting in the most beneficial treatment for South Tampa dentistry patients.

Dr. Cannariato is a nationally published clinician on esthetic dentistry and a member of numerous dental associations including:

  • American Dental Association
  • West Coast Dental Association
  • Florida Dental Association
  • Academy of General Dentistry
  • Florida Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry

Staff Experience

The South Tampa Smiles team consists of a group of dental professionals dedicated to giving our patients individualized care for their personal dental needs. Lisa is our office manager and she is also in charge of patient scheduling while Theresa controls the front desk greeting patients and handling inquiries. Together, they have over 20 years of experience in the field of dentistry. Our dental assistants, Barbara and Ciara, work alongside Dr. Cannariato to ensure you feel comfortable and informed throughout your dental experience. Our Registered Dental Hygienists are Robyn and Cheryl. They keep our patients’ smiles bright and knowledgeable about the best practices for most optimum dental health possible.

Latest Techniques & Technology

Through our continued efforts to keep abreast of changes in technology and procedures, South Tampa Smiles is able to offer our patients the latest techniques and equipment in dentistry.

Some of these procedures include:

  • Six Month Braces
  • Single Visit Crowns
  • White Fillings
  • All-Porcelain Crowns
  • Deep Bleaching

Our equipment is top notch and includes the CEREC machine used to make our Single Visit Crowns right in our own dental office. To find out more about CEREC technology read here.

Visit our website at for further details on our procedures or give us a call for further questions or schedule your appointment at (813) 289-0560.






Reasons for Six Month Braces

Six Month Braces re-position crooked or badly aligned teeth over a period of approximately 6 months. Most people that seek orthodontic treatment are concerned about the esthetics of their teeth. This is an ideal choice of treatment for those needing tooth correction without having to go through two or three years of treatment. The ultimate goal of 6 Month Braces is to move the teeth to their most desirable position in as little time as possible.

What Do They Look Like?

6 Month braces are designed to be as little noticeable as possible. The braces themselves are clear and the wires are white, making them nearly invisible!! Six Month Braces are hardly noticeable compared to traditional “Train Track” braces.

How Do They Work?

These discreet wires apply a constant force to the teeth to shift them into their desired position over time. This results in small, noticeable changes to your teeth. Once the treatment is complete, you will need to wear a retainer in order for your teeth to maintain their correct positioning. Retainers may be fixed to your teeth permanently or worn as a removable retainer.


The most obvious advantage of Six Month Braces is faster treatment period. Other advantages are that they are relatively painless and a less expensive than most other treatments for braces. Six Month Braces can treat any of the following:

  • Misaligned Teeth
  • Crowded Teeth
  • Gaps Between Teeth
  • Crossbites
  • Overbites
  • Underbites
  • Can Affect Speech
  • Can Increase Salivation
  • Need for a Retainer Following Treatment
  • May Not Be Suitable Treatment for Everyone
    (Consultation Required for Suitable Orthodontic Treatment)
The Process

First, you will need an initial consultation to determine your orthodontic requirements. If it is determined that you are a good candidate for Six Month Braces, you will begin a series of stages involving fitting and adjustments.

If you are in need of any dental work, you will need to have that work done prior to any orthodontic treatment. This is to ensure that your teeth are in good condition to receive the braces.

You will be fitted for your braces and then undergo a few adjustments to make sure of a correct fit. You will also be fitted for a retainer to prevent your teeth from moving back out of position once the treatment is complete.

Frequent dental visits are necessary to make sure your teeth are moving and cover dental care advice throughout your orthodontic treatment.


Contact South Tampa Smiles for a consultation with Dr. John Cannariato to see if you are a good candidate for Six Month Braces at 813-289–0560.





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On July 7th, 2003 South Tampa Smiles opened its doors and began treating patients in the Greater Tampa Area. Dr. Cannariato and The South Tampa Smiles Team would like to extend the warmest wishes to all of our patients that have been with us since inception and those that have made South Tampa Smiles their family dentist over the last twelve years. We look forward to being your family’s dentist for years to come.






CEREC Single Visit Crowns, Veneers and Onlays

South Tampa Smiles patients have something to really smile about! Many people put off getting a dental crown because of their busy schedule. A porcelain veneer or crown usually requires two or more visits. Traditionally, an impression is made and sent to a dental lab then sent back to the dental office requiring at least one more appointment to have it placed.

South Tampa Smiles offers single visit crowns using CEREC equipment. This technology allows Dr. Cannariato to make permanent ceramic onlays, crowns and veneers right in the office. There is no need to wait for dental labs and make a second appointment.

Advantages of Cerec technology for patients over traditional dentistry include:

  • Saves the patient time and money with fewer dental visits
  • There is typically no need for temporary crowns or veneers
  • No Need for messy impressions
  • Lessens the number of times the patient needs sedation
  • Cerec technology ensures an exact fit, which eliminates bite problems and returned visits
  • The entire visit takes a little over an hour, which is much easier on today’s hectic schedules.
  • Patients are happy with their new, natural looking dental restorations

The technology is here, so why aren’t you? Don’t wait around, you could have a new smile in a quick, one-hour dental visit following your exam. We offer 7 a.m. appointment times and are available on certain days until 7 p.m. View our office hours here.

Call South Tampa Smiles at (813) 289-0560 to learn more about CEREC Single Visit Crowns, Veneers and Onlays.









Certain beverages that stain your teeth that have more staining potential than others. The presence of pigmented molecules called chromogens and the acidity of the drinks both cause staining. There are also drinks that contain compounds that boost the chromogens’ ability to attach to the enamel of your teeth. These are called tannins. If a beverage contains chromogens and tannins together, the probability for staining is increased substantially.

Coffee and TeaBeverages That Stain Your Teeth - Coffee & Tea

In general, the darker the beverage, the more staining can occur such as coffee. Although coffee contains high levels of chromogens. It is low in tannins. Tea, however, is rich in both chromogens and tannins making it quite possibly the bigger stainer of the two.

Beverages That Stain Your Teeth - Red & White WineBoth Red and White Wine

Red wine is an acidic drink that contains chromogens and tannins making it more likely to cause staining. The acid in white wine can etch away at your teeth leaving them more porous and susceptible to staining.

Sodas and Sports DrinksBeverages That Stain Your Teeth - Sodas & Sports Drinks

Sodas and sports drinks are highly acidic and help promote staining by other foods. The darker sodas are also chromogen rich.

Beverages That Stain Your Teeth - JuiceJuice

Consider the dark pigment in juices such as grape and cranberry. Berries are chromogen rich and so are the  beverages containing them. Most juices are highly pigmented and cause staining on your teeth.

Things you can do to limit staining:
  • Try adding milk to your coffee or tea to lighten it up a bit.
  • Consider consuming less
  • Rinse with water after drinking
  • Drink through a straw to bypass the fronts of your teeth
  • Have herbal teas instead of black tea
Treatments for Stained Teeth
  • Take Home Bleaching – a simple and affordable way to remove teeth staining due to things we eat and drink.
  • Deep Bleaching Treatments – for people looking for the whitest smile, deep bleaching is the best-known tooth whitening solution, and it can leave your teeth significantly whiter than other teeth whitening solutions.
  • Veneers – for people with staining not due to eating and drinking but maybe due to medications or old bondings, Veneers are the best option.
More Information

Learn more about bleaching treatments we offer.

Further information on Veneers. 

Contact South Tampa Smiles

If are unhappy with the discoloration of your teeth, contact South Tampa Smiles (Dr. John Cannariato, DMD) today for an evaluation at (813) 289-0560.








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