
Bruxism (Teeth grinding)

The word “brux” is the term that dentists use to refer to a patient’s habit of tooth clenching and grinding. Grinding teeth can occur during waking hours, during sleep, or both. Sometimes patients are not even aware of their bruxism habit. Over time, people who clench and grind their teeth can wear them down to the point they have lost their pleasant and natural looking smile.

Appearance of Severe Wear

People who clinch and grind their teeth typically have the same characteristic wear pattern. Teeth with severe wear are generally short and all the same length. A normal smile has a more gently rounded contour with certain teeth having slightly varying lengths. Patients with clinching habits generally have worn the edges of their teeth flat and often display chipping.

Treatment Using All Crowns

Damage from teeth grinding can be so severe that the treatment of choice involves the use of all crowns. The use of porcelain crowns over the worn teeth is a reliable technique because the must be able to withstand the extreme forces from clenching and grinding. Porcelain crowns can repair the most severe dental problems. They can even replace missing teeth to offer a complete and functional bite. Visit our Smile Gallery to see some of our patient’s transformations using all crowns.

Contact Us

Dr. John Cannariato provides quality work with fantastic transformations. He is renowned for quality smile makeovers and long-lasting correction of major dental problems. If you have worn your teeth to an unflattering level and need a “new” smile, contact South Tampa Smiles at (813) 289 – 0560.

Read more about All-Porcelain Crowns here.

For further reading related to this topic read: Aging and Oral Health and Hypersensitive Teeth.

Article Title: All Crowns – Treatment for Severe Wear






The use of dental crowns with bleaching is a great option for acquiring a natural looking, bright smile. Sometimes dental crowns alone will not get the desired look for the best smile possible. The two treatments can be used together to cover damaged teeth and brighten the appearance of your overall smile.


Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are natural-looking covers that fit snugly over teeth to conceal cracked, badly discolored, injured, or chipped teeth. In the past, dental crowns in South Tampa required a metal substructure, but with today’s technology, all-porcelain crowns are now available.

All-Porcelain Crowns

All-porcelain crowns are more natural looking than traditional porcelain fused to metal crowns. They provide support for damaged teeth and improve the overall appearance of your smile while making your teeth more resistant to injury. Read more about All-Porcelain crowns and view some of our before and after photos.


Professional teeth whitening can also be used along with all-porcelain crowns for maximum results. Deep bleaching is the best-known tooth whitening solution. It can leave your teeth significantly whiter than other teeth whitening solutions. Find out more about deep bleaching and view the results of some of our patients here.


If you think dental crowns with bleaching might be a dental treatment for you, South Tampa Smiles can help. We offer amazing deep bleaching, professional teeth whitening treatments to our patients. For more information about our dental crowns with bleaching, please contact us today at (813) 289 – 0560.






Smile More

Cosmetic dentistry boosts confidence and gives you the self-assurance to smile more! Cover your mouth when laughing or speaking in public? If your smile is holding you back, or non-existent, there are dental enhancement procedures that can make you love your smile. When you are not afraid to let your teeth show, you are much more at ease. You are less likely to hold back because of insecurities with your teeth.

Professional Success

People who are unsatisfied with their teeth miss out on countless opportunities in their life from being overly self-conscious. Restraining from the impulse to smile and speak freely without inhibitions can be detrimental to any career advancement. This can leave you feeling “stuck” in life and further bring down your level of self-confidence. A radiant smile boosts confidence to succeed in whatever your career choice.

More Fulfilling Personal Life

Cosmetic dentistry boosts confidence, which has a direct impact on your overall happiness. A person that is insecure about their teeth can find it more difficult in the dating game or engaging in other social situations without feeling insecure. This can leave you feeling unsatisfied in your personal life. Consider cosmetic dentistry if you are unhappy with your smile. People that love their smile enjoy life to the fullest.

Overall Wellness

Improving your physical appearance is important, but the biggest impact of a beautiful smile is your overall wellness. A radiant smile could fill that missing element holding you back. Cosmetic dentistry can positively change your self-image and live the most fulfilling life possible.

Dr. John Cannariato, DMD of South Tampa Smiles specializes in Cosmetic Dentistry. Contact us today at (813) 289-0560 for further questions or start the process of getting a healthy, radiant smile you deserve.








CEREC Single Visit Crowns, Veneers and Onlays

South Tampa Smiles patients have something to really smile about! Many people put off getting a dental crown because of their busy schedule. A porcelain veneer or crown usually requires two or more visits. Traditionally, an impression is made and sent to a dental lab then sent back to the dental office requiring at least one more appointment to have it placed.

South Tampa Smiles offers single visit crowns using CEREC equipment. This technology allows Dr. Cannariato to make permanent ceramic onlays, crowns and veneers right in the office. There is no need to wait for dental labs and make a second appointment.

Advantages of Cerec technology for patients over traditional dentistry include:

  • Saves the patient time and money with fewer dental visits
  • There is typically no need for temporary crowns or veneers
  • No Need for messy impressions
  • Lessens the number of times the patient needs sedation
  • Cerec technology ensures an exact fit, which eliminates bite problems and returned visits
  • The entire visit takes a little over an hour, which is much easier on today’s hectic schedules.
  • Patients are happy with their new, natural looking dental restorations

The technology is here, so why aren’t you? Don’t wait around, you could have a new smile in a quick, one-hour dental visit following your exam. We offer 7 a.m. appointment times and are available on certain days until 7 p.m. View our office hours here.

Call South Tampa Smiles at (813) 289-0560 to learn more about CEREC Single Visit Crowns, Veneers and Onlays.









Choosing the right toothbrush can be quite daunting with so many varieties on the market today. We have put together a few guidelines to aid in your decision of which toothbrushes are right for you and your family members from safety and comfort to size and durability.

Safety & Durability

Always choose a soft brush with rounded bristles. Using hard, stiff bristles can be harsh on the teeth and gums. The handle should be manufacturer-tested for strength and durability to withstand normal, everyday use. To show the product is safe for both soft and hard oral tissues and dental restorations, check for the ADA Seal to assure the quality and safety of the product.

Shape & Size

Make sure the head of the brush has a design that is not too large to fit in your mouth comfortably and reach the back molars easily. There are a variety of sizes on the market, from toddler and adolescent to adult. Each designed to fit comfortably within the average mouth of that age range.

Powered Vs. Manual

Both manual and powered toothbrushes are effective. Most adults find it difficult to make the switch from manual brushing to powered. Children may find power toothbrushes fun giving them more encouragement for regular brushing. Also, powered toothbrushes offer aid to those who need assistance with manual brushing. 

Weighing in all the factors above, safety and comfort are important when choosing the right toothbrush. Choose a toothbrush that is easy for you to use and reach all of your teeth for proper cleaning twice daily.

Contact South Tampa Smiles for further questions.




Situational Stress

You overslept. You jump out of bed, scurry through your morning shower, throw on your clothes and rush your way out the door. No time for breakfast, you’ll grab that on the way.  You get in your car and are driving along until you hit a wall of traffic backed up for miles. Now you will miss an important meeting and your whole morning is thrown off schedule. You start getting anxious and feel the build-up of tension all before 8 am. What a way to start your day and this is a common situation in our daily lives today.

Pressure & Pain

Suffering with headaches, jaw pain or facial pain? All are all common symptoms of TMJ or TMJD (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder). Stress can cause your facial muscles to tighten. Grinding your teeth can put pressure on undue pressure on the joint. The Temporomandibular Joint or TMJ is located where the jaw meets and attaches to the skull, TMJ is also a term used to describe disorders related to this area  also referred to as TMJD (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder). TMJ symptoms come from brain-muscle conditioning acquired by trauma or stress.

Damage Control

If you think you have TMJD, it is important to address the causes of stress in your life and take measures to relieve some of the strain. What relaxes you? A long walk? Meditation? Music? Make sure you find time for enjoyable activities so you become less tired and anxious.

If you are grinding your teeth at night during your sleep, you need proper treatment to prevent further damage involving fracturing, loosening, or loss of teeth. Proper care can eliminate jaw soreness, headaches and keep your teeth from being worn down from grinding. Contact South Tampa Smiles at (813) 289-0560 for a FREE consultation. You don’t have to live in pain.


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