
Afraid of Dental Injections?

It is quite common for patients to be afraid of dental injections and needles. Actually, it would be quite odd for anyone to say they enjoy having a needle in their mouth. At South Tampa Smiles, we understand these fears and do our best to alleviate any anxieties associated with having dental treatment. We make sure each person feels at ease and comfortable throughout the entire process of any dental procedures needed.

To help with the discomfort of having an injection, we use a topical anesthetic, known as benzocaine, to numb your gums before using the needle. It is applied with a cotton swab or q-tip to the soft tissues surrounding the site of injection and left in place for about a minute. This numbs the area so the patient doesn’t actually feel the needle gliding into their gums.

Along with the use of local anesthesia to numb the area, we use a slow and steady approach when giving injections. If the local anesthetic is given too quickly, it can often cause discomfort to the patient. Another reason for less painful injections during your dental treatment is the use of less blunted needles. The days have long gone since dentists were using large, blunted needles that were quite painful for the patient.

We also have nitrous oxide (laughing gas) available. Nitrous oxide helps calm the patient and ease dental fears. Sedation dentistry is sometimes referred to as sleep dentistry and we serve many patients throughout South Tampa and Florida looking for sleep dentistry or dental sedation procedures. Read more about sedation dentistry.

If you are afraid of dental injections, make your next dental procedure appointment with comfort in knowing that we take every step available to ensure a pleasant experience with minimal discomfort. The first step toward getting any dental treatment that you may have been putting off due to your dental anxiety is to have a thorough examination with x-rays and cleaning. Contact South Tampa Smiles for your next appointment at (813)  289 – 0560. Ask our friendly staff any questions or concerns. We are here to help.


Can Strawberries Whiten Your Teeth?

July 7th is National Strawberry Sundae Day. Although this delicious treat has many flavorful variations, all strawberry sundaes are topped with a bountiful helping of sliced, whole, or chopped strawberries.

Fun facts: Strawberries are the only fruit with seeds on the outside and are a member of the rose family.

We would like to take this opportunity to talk about the dental benefits of strawberries. Strawberries are loaded with vitamin C, which helps your body make collagen for healthy gums. Strawberries also contain xylitol, which prevents cavity-causing bacteria from sticking to your teeth. Read more about the Nutritional Benefits of the Strawberry.

Finally, this leaves us with the big question… Can Strawberries Whiten Your Teeth?

Yes! Strawberries contain the tooth-whitening enzyme called malic acid, which can brighten up a dull smile. Remember that berries are very acidic and using this home remedy too frequently could damage the enamel on your teeth.

There are only two ingredients in this strawberry whitening recipe:

      • 1 Strawberry
      • 1/2 Teaspoon of Baking Soda

Follow these simple instructions to get your whiter smile using the strawberry / baking soda mix method:

    1. Puree or crush one strawberry.
    2. Add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda and mix well.
    3. Dip your toothbrush into the mixture.
    4. Coat your teeth well.
    5. Let the mixture sit on your teeth for about 5 minutes.
    6. Brush your teeth with regular toothpaste and floss right away.

Of course, nothing is as effective as a professional whitening treatment. However, there are whitening toothpastes and natural whitening methods that can be used in moderation to help maintain your bright, stain-free smile. Always remember to brush as soon as possible after eating acidic and sugary foods.

Don’t forget dental checkups and cleanings should be done every 6 months to maintain your healthy smile. Contact South Tampa Smiles at (813) 289 – 0560 to make your next appointment. Our friendly staff will find a day and time that works best with your busy schedule. We have appointment times before and after work hours 7 am to 7 pm for your convenience. We look forward to hearing from you!


Protect Your Smile During Summer Air Travel

Many families utilize summer time months for their family vacations, which may include some air travel. Although flights can be fun and exciting, when you reach a certain altitude the pressure may cause some pain or discomfort. If you have any dental conditions that you are not aware of, such as a cavity or infection, your flight can become a very unpleasant experience. If you are planning air travel this summer, there are some simple steps you can take for you and your family to ensure a painless and worry-free family adventure.

You can protect your smile during summer air travel by: 
  • Staying on top of your routine dental checkups – Make an appointment with South Tampa Smiles prior to your air travel. This will alleviate the possibility of any undiscovered dental problems that can cause discomfort during your flight. Also make your dental checkup far enough in advance to allow enough time to have any restorative work completed that may be found during your dental exam.
  • Packing the right oral health care essentials pre-flight – If you are bringing carry-on bags, packing travel-size toothbrushes, toothpaste and floss can be quite helpful. Having a pain reliever on hand if you have concerns of potential discomfort once you are in the air is also a good idea. Pressure can sometimes cause a certain amount of discomfort even if your oral health is in check.

At South Tampa Smiles, we love sharing helpful tips so you can be prepared at worry-free on your next vacation. Protect your smile during summer air travel and give us a call to schedule your next dental checkup. This will help ward off any potential issues that cause a “less than favorable” flight. We look forward to hearing from you!


South Tampa Smiles

(813) 289 – 0560





Protect Your Lips from the Sun

Summertime is here! It’s time to get out there and enjoy some of your favorite “fun in-the-sun” activities, but remember to use sunscreen to protect your skin from those harmful rays. However, one commonly forgotten body part that also needs UV protection is our lips. The skin on the lips is thinner and more vulnerable than the rest of our bodies. Sun exposure destroys collagen, so it thins the lips even more over time.

Use Lip Balm to Protect Your Lips

Just the same as applying regular sunscreen prevents future sagging and aging of the skin on your face and body, sunscreen should be applied to the lips as well. Use a good lip balm with a broad-spectrum sunscreen to help protect your lips from the sun’s damaging rays.

Choose a lip balm with an SPF of at least 15 (preferably 30+) and apply it about 30 minutes before you go out in the sun. Keep it on hand and reapply every 2 to three hours, or even more frequently when swimming. Keep in mind that shiny lip-gloss attracts light, which increases exposure and increases the chance of developing skin cancer.

Sunburned Lip Care

If you do happen to get sunburned on your lips, apply petroleum jelly to keep them moist and keep sun exposure to a minimum until your lips are completely healed. It only takes a few simple steps to ensure protection and care for your skin and lips. By doing so, you will still be able to enjoy some of your favorite outdoor activities through the summer months without worrying about any negative effects.

As always, stay on top of your dental exams and cleanings. South Tampa Smiles provides complete exams, which includes oral cancer screening. Give us a call for your next dental visit at (813) 289 – 0560. We look forward to hearing from you!


Lyme Disease is a bacterial infection transmitted by deer ticks that carry a type of bacteria called Borrelia Burgdorferi. Once bitten by an infected tick, the bacterium travels through the blood and establishes itself in various body tissues. Lyme disease is a multisystem inflammatory disease that often appears as a localized rash within 7 to 10 days along with a multitude of symptoms, which can sometimes be quite severe. The first symptoms typically start in the summer months, which is the height of the tick season. For this reason, the month of May has been named Lyme disease awareness month.

The initial symptoms of Lyme disease can present as flu-life symptoms including rash, fever, chills, stiff neck, headaches, muscle aches and joint pain. It is important to be informed of the early symptoms of this disease as the later symptoms can include arthritis, neurological and cardiac disorders. We would like to bring awareness to a number of symptoms that involve the head, neck and mouth.

Lyme Disease Head and Neck Symptoms Include:
  • Facial Paralysis (Bell’s Palsy)
  • Grinding or Clenching Teeth (Bruxism)
  • Mouth Sores
  • Dizziness with Head & Movement
  • Dry Cough
  • Dry Eyes, Nose & Mouth
  • Ear, Palate or Gum Pain
  • Jaw Pain (TMJ)
  • Sinus Infection
  • Unexplained Toothaches
  • Difficulty Chewing & Swallowing
  • Runny Nose without Cold or Allergy Symptoms

It is important to seek medical attention for a proper diagnosis. At South Tampa Smiles, we try to keep our patients informed about illnesses that can affect your overall health and educated on oral manifestations that may occur. Along with regular medical checkups, keep your oral health in check by visiting your dentist every six months. Early recognition is essentially! Give us a call for your next dental exam at (813) 289 – 0560.

For further reading about Lyme disease head and neck symptoms, news and treatments visit American Lyme Disease Foundation. You can show your support and help fight against this potentially disabling or fatal illness by making a contribution online here.





Nutrition Affects Your Teeth and Gums - South Tampa DentistMarch is National Nutrition Month! This is an educational campaign focusing on eating nutrient dense foods, physical fitness, and overall health. A well-balanced diet, along with moderate exercise, helps to maintain your ideal body weight and reduces your risk of chronic illness such as heart disease and diabetes. The types of foods you eat have a direct affect on the health of your teeth and gums as well. Poor nutrition can lead to many oral health complications such as tooth loss and periodontal disease.

Some healthy food choices for healthy teeth and gums:
  • Fruits and Vegetables are high in fiber and water. Chewing also stimulates the salivary glands, which helps wash away bacteria from the teeth.
  • Dairy products such as milk, yogurt and cheese aid in buffering the acid on the teeth and is rich in calcium that strengthens the enamel on your teeth.
  • Lean proteins such as fish, poultry, and eggs are high in phosphorus. Phosphorus plays an important part in maintenance of strong bones and teeth.

“Next to calcium, phosphorus is the most abundant mineral in the body. These 2 important nutrients work closely together to build strong bones and teeth. About 85% of the body’s phosphorus is in bones and teeth.”
                                                                                                                 Source: UMM.edu

  • Certain vegetables are also high in protein such as broccoli, sprouted beans, kale and other leafy greens.
  • Nuts are also a great source of protein and are high in vitamins and minerals that keep your teeth and gums healthy and strong.

At South Tampa Smiles, we encourage nutritious food choices to keep your smile healthy and bright. Keeping your sugar intake to a minimum will help control the bacteria levels that cause tooth decay. Drinking plenty of water will not only keep you hydrated, it also rinses away excess food particles from your teeth. These simple dietary measures are equally as important as proper dental care at home, regular checkups and professional cleanings. Give us a call at (813) 289 – 0560 to make your next dental appointment and keep your smile in excellent health.

Further Reading on How Nutrition Affects Your Teeth and Gums


Tongue scrapers and cleaners are a great way to rid your tongue of unwanted debris and reducing bacterial conditions. If you only brush your teeth and forgo cleaning off your tongue, you are leaving behind bacteria to flourish in your mouth. These plaque-forming can bacteria accumulate and breed causing numerous dental problems such as bad breath, gingivitis, and tooth decay.

Tongue Scrapers and Overall Health

Along with the reduction of the bacteria in the mouth that cause bad breath, gingivitis and tooth decay, a clean tongue plays an important role in your overall health. The tongue harbors almost half of the bacteria within your mouth so it is vital to get rid of all of these toxins that can be trapped in the crevices of your tongue. These toxins can be reabsorbed into your body if left behind and lead to a multitude of health conditions including a compromised immune system, respiratory difficulties and digestive problems.

How to Use Tongue Scrapers

Tongue scrapers are “U” shaped thin, flat deplaquing devices that are relatively inexpensive and easy to use. You simply hold the scraper with both hands in front of a mirror and place it as far back on your tongue as possible. Use one long stroke with a little pressure and scrape all the way from the far back surface area to the front surface of your tongue. Rinse off the tongue scraper and repeat until your tongue appears free of coating. And… Viola! Your tongue is clean as a whistle.

Keeping up with your regular, professional dental cleaning will keep your teeth and gums in optimum condition and minimize the need for extensive dental treatment. Contact South Tampa Smiles for your next dental appointment at (813) 289 – 0560. Our friendly and professional staff is ready to assist you.


Wisdom teeth are the third molars located in the very back of your teeth. They typically erupt during late teen years and early twenties. Often times, there may not be enough room for your wisdom teeth to break through. They may all come in fully, be partially impacted, or fully impacted. Some of the tooth is visible when it is partially impacted and part of the tooth is still underneath your gums. The tooth is fully impacted if it never erupted through the soft tissue and is not visible.

Impacted wisdom teeth may never show any signs or symptoms and go unnoticed. However, they also can cause a multitude of problems that must be addressed.

Common signs and symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth include:
  • Overcrowded Teeth – making it difficult to clean properly and more susceptible to tooth decay and gum disease
  • Pain – mild to severe discomfort such as headaches, pain when chewing, tender gums, and difficulty opening your mouth
  • Swelling – the soft tissue around the un-erupted tooth or swollen jaw area
  • Halitosis (Bad Breath) – typically related to swelling or the inability to properly clean crowded teeth
Treatment for Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Many times, patients will need to have wisdom teeth extracted under local anesthesia. Sometimes, a simple surgical procedure is needed for impacted wisdom teeth. For dental x-rays and an examination by Dr. Cannariato, call South Tampa Smiles at (813) 289 – 0560 to determine if you have impacted wisdom teeth and to discuss your treatment options.

Our friendly staff is ready to assist you with all of your dental needs. Don’t hesitate to call us for further information, questions and appointment scheduling. We are conveniently located on Henderson Ave. by the Kahwa and CVS in South Tampa, FL.

For further reading on impacted wisdom teeth, visit MayoClinic.com.


Vitamin D & Your Oral HealthMost of us are aware of the importance of calcium for strong bones and teeth. But many people remain unaware that calcium and vitamin D go hand-in-hand. Vitamin D helps with the absorption of calcium in your body. Your body will naturally absorb calcium as it is, but with vitamin D, it will exhaust the resource and help your body in the absorption process. Calcium and vitamin D contribute to less bone loss, which also means lower rates of tooth loss.

How Much Vitamin D Do You Need?

The American Dietetic Associations’ recommended daily value is 2,500 mg/day of calcium and 1,000 units/day of vitamin D. Many of us struggle to meet these minimum requirements. There are many sources to increase your intake of vitamin D including:

  • Dairy Products
  • Dark Green Leafy Vegetables
  • Almond
  • Salmon (Fatty Fish)
  • Soy & Rice Drinks

Who Is Deficient?

Seniors, that may have a problem absorbing the nutrients in their food, are more likely to become vitamin D deficient. Also, there are certain medical conditions that keep younger people from absorbing nutrients. Your doctor can test you for vitamin deficiency and determine how you should be treated. Dr. Cannariato can identify oral problems and help to determine whether a vitamin deficiency is the cause.

We, at South Tampa Smiles, encourage our patients to make sure you are getting the recommended daily values to keep your teeth strong and healthy. Be sure to stay on top of your professional cleanings and regular checkups. For your next dental appointment, call us at (813) 289 – 0560.


Source: WebMD.com


When cold air hits your teeth, you may experience cold weather tooth sensitivity that is just a mild discomfort or it could hit you like an electric bolt that makes you shudder. Just as if you are eating ice cream and get a sudden sharp pain, frigid temperatures can cause the same reaction. Teeth are porous and not immune to extreme temperatures. Cold air breathed in through your mouth can cause the teeth to contract. Once you close your mouth, your teeth will expand again. This contraction and expansion of the teeth can cause tiny hairline fractures in your teeth. You may be completely unaware they are even there until you breathe in an arctic blast and get a sudden surge of pain. Also, people may clench their jaw when they are cold. This can contribute to tooth discomfort and cause jaw pain.

5 Steps to Alleviate Cold Weather Tooth Sensitivity
  1. Breathe through your nose. Once you close your mouth, cover your teeth with your lips and get your saliva circulating, your pain should subside quickly.
  2. Don’t clench your teeth. Be mindful of tensing up to stay warm. This can cause tooth erosion and increased sensitivity.
  3. Don’t brush too hard. Brushing too hard on a regular basis can cause your gums to recede and expose the roots of your teeth. Exposed roots are more sensitive to temperature changes.
  4. Practice proper oral hygiene. Make sure you are brushing and flossing every day. Choose and soft bristled toothbrush and brush gently. Flossing also stimulates your gums, prevents them from receding and keeps them healthy. Rinsing with mouthwash is also a great way to ward off sensitivity. It can create a seal over the sensitive areas of your teeth.
  5. Get regular dental checkups. Visiting your dentist every 6 months will help stay on top of any dental problems that may be developing. Most insurance companies cover dental check-ups twice a year. Finding any problems with your teeth early keeps you from having to go through more extensive treatment and more tooth sensitivity.


If you feel that your sensitivity is lasting longer than it should, there could be an underlying problem that needs to be evaluated. Contact South Tampa Smiles at (813) 289 – 0560 if you are experiencing cold weather tooth sensitivity and need to make an appointment for an evaluation. We are here to help.
Related Articles:

Hypersensitive Teeth

Chewing Ice Can Damage Your Teeth

Proper Brushing Techniques


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