
Having straight teeth has more than just cosmetic benefits. How your teeth fit together affects your oral and overall health. There are many health advantages of straight teeth including healthy gums, decreased risk of tooth injury, decreased headache and jaw pain, and improves your self confidence and overall happiness. However, not all of us are born with the perfect smile. Fortunately, there are orthodontic treatment options that are available to help maintain a healthy, straight and confident smile.

Maintain A Healthy Bite

The purpose of orthodontic treatment is to shift the teeth back to proper alignment. Straight teeth properly meet the opposing teeth in the opposite jaw creating a healthy bite. Stabilizing your bite creates healthy tooth touches for each of your teeth.   Having a healthy bite helps preserve your existing teeth and is ideal for when placing new dentistry such as veneers, crowns and implants.

Prevent Gum Disease

Overcrowded and crooked teeth can also lead to gum disease. When your teeth are misaligned, you may have problems cleaning between the teeth and along the gum line. This causes the build-up of bacterial plaque, which can lead to Gingivitis. If this condition is left untreated, it can lead to Periodontal Disease. Having a straight smile provides the best defense against potential periodontal problems.

Avoid Structural Damage

Teeth that do not meet together properly can cause structural damage to the teeth, jawbones and dental work. Some of these symptoms include:

  • Chipped & Cracked Teeth
  • Chipped Dental Work
  • Jaw Pain and Soreness
  • Tooth Wear
  • Tooth Movement
  • Premature Loss of Teeth
Contact Us

Contact South Tampa Smiles if you are experiencing any of these symptoms or if your teeth are not happy with the alignment and appearance of you teeth. We specialize in cosmetic dentistry. Ask about our 6 Month Braces treatment! We are ready to assist you at (813) – 289 – 0560.


Here at South Tampa Smiles, we want to say thank you to each of our patients that help make our practice so special. We are grateful for each and every one of you and your wonderful smiles. We wish all of you the best holiday season possible.


Of course we all like to splurge on our Thanksgiving Day feast and have an abundance and variety of our favorite foods. There are some foods that are not only delicious, but are quite healthy. Because we focus on the oral health of our patients, we would like to share some Thanksgiving Day foods that are good for your teeth.



Turkey is the big staple of this Holiday and it’s very good for your teeth. It is loaded with protein and has the highest amount of phosphorus, which rebuilds hydroxyapatite matrices (enamel) that have been damaged from acid-producing bacteria.



For those that perhaps do not eat meat, you can still get a good source of protein from green leafy vegetables. Spinach has an abundance of protein and is a good source of iron and Vitamin A. Spinach has a large amount of oxalic acid so it may leave a fuzzy feeling in your mouth. Just rinse with water if this is bothersome.


Sweet Potatoes & Mashed Potatoes

There are a good amount of vitamins in potatoes. Even though they are starchy, they do not stick to your teeth like many other starchy foods that are a haven for bacteria.


Dairy Products

Mashed potatoes wouldn’t be the same without some creamy milk in the mix. Milk has calcium, which is great from your teeth. Dairy is also low in acidity and sugar so indulge in a nice helping or two.



Cranberries are tart and juicy and are loaded with nutrients such as vitamin C, Vitamin A, beta-carotene, and potassium. They help prevent tooth decay by interfering with bacteria’s ability to stick to your teeth and forming dental plaque.



Pumpkin, carrots and squash (orange foods) are rich in Vitamin A. Our bodies use Vitamin A to form tooth enamel. They are also a good source of minerals like copper, calcium and phosphorus, which protects your gums. Calcium also helps in the development and re-mineralization of teeth.


We hope you found our article “Thanksgiving Day Foods That Are Good for Your Teeth” helpful. Thanksgiving is even more joyful when our loved ones are healthy and happy. Be sure not to let the busy holiday season distract you from keeping your teeth in great health. Schedule your next dental appointment with us at (813) 289 – 0560. 


Happy Thanksgiving from South Tampa Smiles!





Importance of Saliva

Saliva offers natural cleansing and helps rid harmful bacteria in the mouth. If the production of saliva is decreased you may experience: dry sticky feeling in mouth and throat, difficulty swallowing, mouth sores, cracked lips, dry and red tongue, burning sensation, bad breath, and other problems and discomforts. Even further damage than these irritations can occur from chronic dry mouth if left untreated, such as: gum disease, tooth decay, and oral infections.

Dry mouth, or xerostomia, is a common side effect of many medications. Discontinuing medications for illness or disease is usually not an option, which leaves only two courses of action: find ways to increase salivary production and eliminate specific things that are likely to cause dry mouth.

Dry mouth can be caused by medications used to treat:
  • Anxiety
  • Pain
  • Allergies
  • Colds
  • Hypertension
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Psychotic Disorders
  • Urinary Incontinence
  • Asthma
  • Parkinson’s Disease

It can also result from the use of muscle relaxants and sedatives.

Certain diseases and infections that may cause dry mouth include:
  • Sjögren’s syndrome
  • HIV
  • Alzheimers
  • Diabetes
  • Anemia
  • Cystic Fibrosis
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Hypertension
  • Parkinson’s Disease Stroke
  • Mumps
Dry mouth can be the result of certain medical treatments, nerve damage, dehydration and lifestyle choices including:
  • Radiation
  • Chemotherapy
  • Head and Neck Injury
  • Smoking & Tobacco

Eliminating the cause to dry mouth would be ideal, but there are instances where that is not an option.

Here are a few steps you can take that can help to boost your salivary flow: 
  • Chew Sugar-Free Gum
  • Drink Plenty of Water
  • Breath Through Your Nose
  • Use a Room Vaporizer
  • Use an Over-the-Counter Saliva Substitute


Contact South Tampa Smiles at (813) 289 – 0560 for further information if you are suffering from dry mouth or would like to make an appointment. Our friendly staff is ready to assist you!


Further Reading on Dry Mouth Causes and Solutions:




Having hypersensitive teeth is a common experience with symptoms ranging from moderate to severe. It is caused by the movement of fluid within tiny tubes located in the dentin (the layer of tissue found beneath the hard enamel that contains the inner pulp), which results in nerve irritation. Finding the underlying cause is important to help alleviate the sensitivity.

Dentin Exposure (Receding Gums)

Exposure of Dentin is the most common underlying cause. Dentin is the area that surrounds the root of the tooth. It is normally covered by gum tissue. Hypersensitive teeth can occur when the gums recede and expose part of the dentin. This becomes more common as we age. Read more on aging and oral health for more information on other dental processes that can develop with age.

Other Common Causes

Sometimes sensitivity may be caused by certain activities other factors including:

  • Teeth Grinding
  • Brushing too Hard
  • Eating Acidic Foods
  • Decay
  • Cracked Tooth

If you have had recent dental procedures it is common to have some sensitivity that will diminish in time and should be of no concern. Dental treatments that may cause temporary hypersensitive teeth including:

  • Recent Fillings, Crowns,
  • Placement and Adjustment of Braces
  • Periodontal Treatment
  • Teeth Whitening
Treatment for Hypersensitive Teeth

Treatment for hypersensitive teeth can range from simple home treatments to office treatments and surgical procedures. You may be able to alleviate your discomfort by using desensitizing toothpaste for sensitive teeth at home. If using desensitizing toothpaste does not ease your discomfort, there are in-office fluoride treatments that can help. When your discomfort is due to an underlying dental problem, you will need office treatment such as a filling or crown. If your sensitivity is due to the loss of gum tissue, you may need a surgical gum graft to cover the root. This will protect the tooth and reduce the sensitivity. When the sensitivity is severe and cannot be alleviated by other means, you may need endodontic treatment (root canal) to eliminate the pain.

Getting Help

The first step to correct your hypersensitive teeth is to determine your cause. Whether it is due to exposure of dentin or an underlying cause such as decay or abscess, corrective measures are needed. Our professional team at South Tampa Smiles can help. Contact us at (813) 289 – 0560 if you are experiencing pain due to hypersensitive teeth. We are here to provide you with some relief!

Source: Ada.org








As we grow older, it is just as important to be aware of the effects of aging and oral health as maintaining a healthy heart, mind and bones. Although our mouths do go through changes as we age, a common misconception is that losing our teeth is inevitable. That is not true. If you take care of your teeth and get proper dental care, your teeth can last a lifetime.

During the aging process, we become more at risk for developing a variety of oral health conditions. As we age, the nerves in our teeth can become smaller, making any cavities or other dental problems less noticeable. This can mean getting a late diagnosis since we may be less aware of any dental issues that may be developing. It is important to be knowledgeable about this process and talk to your dentist about treatment options that are specific to your oral healthcare needs.

Conditions Associated with Aging and Oral Health:

  • Dry Mouth
  • Oral Tissue Inflammation
  • Root Decay
  • Diminished Sense of Taste
  • Oral Cancer

Maintaining Optimum Oral Health with Age

  • Healthy Diet
  • Limit Sugar Intake
  • Good Brushing and Flossing Habits
  • Regular Dental Visits
  • Don’t Smoke

Maintaining a healthy smile throughout your lifetime plays a huge role in overall health and wellness. There are many ways to keep your smile as healthy as possible as you grow older. Making healthier choices about lifestyle and diet along with regular dental visits can help prevent dental problems that may arise due to aging.

If you are experiencing any dental problems or concerns with aging and oral health, talking to a dentist is vital for troubleshooting solutions and creating a plan to keep your teeth and gums as healthy as possible. Contact South Tampa Smiles for any further questions or concerns about your oral health at 813 – 289 – 0560. Our friendly staff is always ready to help.

Aging and Oral Health ADA.org






Proper tooth brushing techniques are essential to ward off tooth day and gum disease. Proper tooth brushing will remove food particles and bacteria without scrubbing your teeth and gums too heavily. Brushing too heavily can lead to erosion. To avoid damaging the surface of your teeth, choose a soft bristly toothbrush and apply following steps to ensure proper tooth brushing:

  1. Only use a thin strip or pea-sized amount of toothpaste on your toothbrush. The toothpaste is to freshen your breath. The toothbrush is actually responsible for cleaning your teeth, not the toothpaste. The extra toothpaste used when brushing is basically an added amount of abrasive cleaner, which can lead to erosion and receding gums.
  2. Keep your toothbrush at a 45 degree angle to the surface of your teeth pointing towards the gum line.
  3. Avoid the straight, back-and-forth motion, which can abrade the teeth. Using a gentle, circular motion covering all surfaces (front, back, & chewing surfaces)
  4. After cleaning all surfaces using the circular pattern, it is also good practice to hold your toothbrush vertically to clean the inner areas of the teeth.
  5. Don’t forget to brush your tongue. Bacteria can accumulate on the tongue between the taste buds and other structures of the tongue. There are special brushes available specifically for your tongue and they are easy to use.
  6. The recommended time to spend brush your teeth is 2 to 3 minutes.

Flossing is also an important part of proper oral health care. Flossing can be performed before or after brushing. A quality mouth rinse can add even more protection after brushing and flossing. Do not hesitate to contact South Tampa Smiles team for further tips on proper brushing, flossing and other health care concerns at 813 – 289 – 0560.








Ever wonder if your toothbrush has microscopic germs that you can’t see? It’s not something we like to think about as we place the head of the brush inside our mouth daily, but the answer is YES! Germs can be living within the bristles on your toothbrush.

With the oral cavity housing hundreds of different types of microorganisms, there is a good chance of some of those germs to be transferred to your toothbrush. Brand new toothbrushes may also have bacteria on them when you take them out of the package. There is no requirement for toothbrushes to be sold in sterile packages.

Germs from your mouth are not the only contributors to those germs living on your toothbrush. If you store your toothbrush on the bathroom counter unprotected and in the open, simply flushing the toilet can introduce germs into the air. They can propel onto your toothbrush making toilet flushes the worst culprit to imagine contaminating your toothbrush.

This is an unpleasant truth, but there are a few steps you can take to help keep your mind at ease before, during and after brushing your teeth daily:

  • Rinse your toothbrush thoroughly with hot water before and after brushing your teeth.
  • Store your toothbrush in an upright position if possible allowing ventilation. Do not store toothbrushes in airtight containers.
  • Keep toothbrushes separated to avoid cross-contamination.
  • Never share your toothbrush. Exchange of body fluids equals exchange of harmful bacteria.
  • Throw away your toothbrush after you’ve been sick.
  • Replace toothbrushes every 3-4 months when it starts to show signs of wear.

These practices combined with visiting your dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings will help to ensure that you have a lifelong healthy smile.

Contact South Tampa Smiles at (813) 289 – 0560.

Source Information:









At South Tampa Smiles, we try to educate our patients about all aspects involving dental care so they are knowledgeable about their oral health and live healthy lives. We take dental education seriously, although there are some facts about teeth that we would like to share for the purpose of entertainment as well as enlightenment.

We have compiled a few fun facts about teeth that we thought you would enjoy learning about.

Our Top Picks of 10 Fun Facts About Teeth:
  1. The average person produces a quart of saliva per day. That’s 10,000 gallons in a lifetime.
  2. The plaque found on teeth hosts more than 300 different types of bacteria.
  3. Tooth enamel is the hardest part of the body, even our bones.
  4. Humans have two sets of teeth in their lifetime. Baby teeth and permanent teeth.
  5. Teeth are formed in the womb, but they come through at 6 to 12 months old.
  6. Humans have 4 different types of teeth: incisors to cut, canines to tear, and premolars and molars to grind.
  7. If you floss once a day, you will use about 5 miles of floss over your lifetime.
  8. If you brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes each time, you will brush your teeth for about 24 hours each year.
  9. Each individual tooth and tongue is unique has it’s own “finger print”.
  10. One third of your teeth are under your gums. Only two thirds of your teeth are exposed.

Stay connected with South Tampa Smiles for more dental care information on Facebook and Twitter. Visit our website or call us at (813) 289-0560.









Certain beverages that stain your teeth that have more staining potential than others. The presence of pigmented molecules called chromogens and the acidity of the drinks both cause staining. There are also drinks that contain compounds that boost the chromogens’ ability to attach to the enamel of your teeth. These are called tannins. If a beverage contains chromogens and tannins together, the probability for staining is increased substantially.

Coffee and TeaBeverages That Stain Your Teeth - Coffee & Tea

In general, the darker the beverage, the more staining can occur such as coffee. Although coffee contains high levels of chromogens. It is low in tannins. Tea, however, is rich in both chromogens and tannins making it quite possibly the bigger stainer of the two.

Beverages That Stain Your Teeth - Red & White WineBoth Red and White Wine

Red wine is an acidic drink that contains chromogens and tannins making it more likely to cause staining. The acid in white wine can etch away at your teeth leaving them more porous and susceptible to staining.

Sodas and Sports DrinksBeverages That Stain Your Teeth - Sodas & Sports Drinks

Sodas and sports drinks are highly acidic and help promote staining by other foods. The darker sodas are also chromogen rich.

Beverages That Stain Your Teeth - JuiceJuice

Consider the dark pigment in juices such as grape and cranberry. Berries are chromogen rich and so are the  beverages containing them. Most juices are highly pigmented and cause staining on your teeth.

Things you can do to limit staining:
  • Try adding milk to your coffee or tea to lighten it up a bit.
  • Consider consuming less
  • Rinse with water after drinking
  • Drink through a straw to bypass the fronts of your teeth
  • Have herbal teas instead of black tea
Treatments for Stained Teeth
  • Take Home Bleaching – a simple and affordable way to remove teeth staining due to things we eat and drink.
  • Deep Bleaching Treatments – for people looking for the whitest smile, deep bleaching is the best-known tooth whitening solution, and it can leave your teeth significantly whiter than other teeth whitening solutions.
  • Veneers – for people with staining not due to eating and drinking but maybe due to medications or old bondings, Veneers are the best option.
More Information

Learn more about bleaching treatments we offer.

Further information on Veneers. 

Contact South Tampa Smiles

If are unhappy with the discoloration of your teeth, contact South Tampa Smiles (Dr. John Cannariato, DMD) today for an evaluation at (813) 289-0560.








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