
As we grow older, it is just as important to be aware of the effects of aging and oral health as maintaining a healthy heart, mind and bones. Although our mouths do go through changes as we age, a common misconception is that losing our teeth is inevitable. That is not true. If you take care of your teeth and get proper dental care, your teeth can last a lifetime.

During the aging process, we become more at risk for developing a variety of oral health conditions. As we age, the nerves in our teeth can become smaller, making any cavities or other dental problems less noticeable. This can mean getting a late diagnosis since we may be less aware of any dental issues that may be developing. It is important to be knowledgeable about this process and talk to your dentist about treatment options that are specific to your oral healthcare needs.

Conditions Associated with Aging and Oral Health:

  • Dry Mouth
  • Oral Tissue Inflammation
  • Root Decay
  • Diminished Sense of Taste
  • Oral Cancer

Maintaining Optimum Oral Health with Age

  • Healthy Diet
  • Limit Sugar Intake
  • Good Brushing and Flossing Habits
  • Regular Dental Visits
  • Don’t Smoke

Maintaining a healthy smile throughout your lifetime plays a huge role in overall health and wellness. There are many ways to keep your smile as healthy as possible as you grow older. Making healthier choices about lifestyle and diet along with regular dental visits can help prevent dental problems that may arise due to aging.

If you are experiencing any dental problems or concerns with aging and oral health, talking to a dentist is vital for troubleshooting solutions and creating a plan to keep your teeth and gums as healthy as possible. Contact South Tampa Smiles for any further questions or concerns about your oral health at 813 – 289 – 0560. Our friendly staff is always ready to help.

Aging and Oral Health ADA.org






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