
Protect Your Lips from the Sun

Summertime is here! It’s time to get out there and enjoy some of your favorite “fun in-the-sun” activities, but remember to use sunscreen to protect your skin from those harmful rays. However, one commonly forgotten body part that also needs UV protection is our lips. The skin on the lips is thinner and more vulnerable than the rest of our bodies. Sun exposure destroys collagen, so it thins the lips even more over time.

Use Lip Balm to Protect Your Lips

Just the same as applying regular sunscreen prevents future sagging and aging of the skin on your face and body, sunscreen should be applied to the lips as well. Use a good lip balm with a broad-spectrum sunscreen to help protect your lips from the sun’s damaging rays.

Choose a lip balm with an SPF of at least 15 (preferably 30+) and apply it about 30 minutes before you go out in the sun. Keep it on hand and reapply every 2 to three hours, or even more frequently when swimming. Keep in mind that shiny lip-gloss attracts light, which increases exposure and increases the chance of developing skin cancer.

Sunburned Lip Care

If you do happen to get sunburned on your lips, apply petroleum jelly to keep them moist and keep sun exposure to a minimum until your lips are completely healed. It only takes a few simple steps to ensure protection and care for your skin and lips. By doing so, you will still be able to enjoy some of your favorite outdoor activities through the summer months without worrying about any negative effects.

As always, stay on top of your dental exams and cleanings. South Tampa Smiles provides complete exams, which includes oral cancer screening. Give us a call for your next dental visit at (813) 289 – 0560. We look forward to hearing from you!


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