
Looking for sedation dentistry in South Tampa? South Tampa Smiles offers sedation dentistry for our patients that may have fears of dental treatment. We understand the idea of being in the dental chair can bring out anxiety in many patients. The thought of a needle going in your mouth, the sound of the drill, and the many tools laying out on the dental tray can bring out fear for many patients.

Most people are familiar with nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, as a form of dental sedation to relieve you from all of your worries. A small mask is placed over your nose to breath in the gas that calms any anxieties during the procedure. Once the patient becomes relaxed and comfortable, we use a topical anesthetic to numb the area before the injection. This is another step to alleviate the possibility of any discomfort. The dentist is then able to focus on the procedure at hand knowing the patient is relaxed and comfortable during the entire visit.

The benefits of sedation dentistry include:
  • It is a safe and pain-free way to alleviate anxiety and help patients overcome fear of dental procedures.
  • Although the patient is relaxed and restful, they are still able to follow instructions and answer questions when needed.
  • The dentist is often able to correct multiple issues at once or complete a more complicated dental procedure.
  • The procedure will go more smoothly and quickly, since the patient will not be nervous and are more likely to coordinate with the dentist throughout the procedure.

Many of our patients have already had pleasant dental treatments utilizing sedation dentistry in South Tampa and so can you! Give us a call at (813) 289 – 0560. Take comfort in knowing your fears will be calmed. Our Staff is understanding and helpful. We will guide you through the entire process and answer any questions or concerns you may have about your dental treatment.

Further Reading:

Fear of Dental Injections?

Five Tips to Overcome Dental Anxiety


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